Page name: Улицы Москвы rp zone [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2011-06-06 12:07:42
Last author: Cerulean Sins
Owner: Cerulean Sins
# of watchers: 5
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The Russian Watches
Улицы Москвы aka Streets of Moscow

<img400*0:stuff/Kotelincheskaya_Naberezhnaja_Moscow_hires.jpg>The Night Watch HQ

<img:stuff/moos-martin-people-outside-st-basil-s-cathedral-moscow-russia.jpg> St Basil's Cathedral

<img:stuff/moscow_kremlin.jpg>The Day Watch HQ

<img400*0:stuff/Moscow-Metro-Train.jpg>Moscow Metro Station

<img400*0:stuff/Red_Square%2c_Moscow%2c_Russia.jpg>Moscow Red Square

<img:stuff/moscow_hotel_001p.jpg>Inquisition HQ

The Other World info <--- Information on Other

The Russian Night Watch Characters<---- Good guys

The Russian Day Watch Characters <---- Bad guys

The Russian Inquisition Characters<---- Neutral Guys

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2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Night has fallen over Moscow, people are out partying since it is Friday night. The darkness of night is when the light onces of the Night Watch come out to protect people with in the treaty of the Light and Dark. What shall this night hold for the Watches??

Boris Ignatievich was in his office looking at a chess board, he couldn't help but wonder what move Zabulon will make next. He had called a staff meeting, most of his staff was here apart from a few that haven't showed up yet. He would wait for the others. He took out a fag from his jacket pocket and lit it up and he brushed the ash off his suit.

Ignat Alexandrov was chatting to one of the analytical girls, he was a natural flirt mostly because that he is an Incubus. He was wearing dark jeans, tight black t-shirt and leather jacket.

Yulia Petrova had been stuck in traffic in down town Moscow, which annoyed her to no end. She managed to get to the Night HQ, find a parking space. Once she did she started running up the ton of stairs to the top floor. She was scared inclosed spaces. She was wearing dark skinny jeans, army boots with heels on them, white tank top and her silver necklace around her neck. She had her winter jacket over her arm along with her handbag. She panted heavily once she got to the top floor."Bloody stairs..."She muttered in Russian

Arina Oksana Belikov was at the Day Watch HQ. She was wearing a short black silk dress that clung to her body like it had been painted on, making her pale skin look even more paler. She walked into Zabulon's office with five files in her hands."Here are the files you wanted, boss."She said as she closed the door of his office, she walked over to his desk and she put one red file on his desk."This file is the report of my last mission, in full destail."

Galina Rogova was at the Inquisition HQ , she had just came back from the Inquisition in Scotland. She was glad to be home in Beauitful Russia. She walked into her office to check her e-mails and messages.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: IVan shifted and grunted as he sat up. He..prefered night time, it was much more peaceful and serene. Smiling softly, he stood up and walked to Galina's office and knocked twice, his...heart pounding with excitement that Galina was back. He had feelings for her..that when she left, he never got to express, so he saw a second chance.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa smiled as she walked into Zabulon's office she sent a quick death glare at Arina before plopping herself into his lap.

Angela nibbled on some chocolate as he went over his files.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Get in here, Alisa, NOW." he'd snap. he was agitated...for some fucking reason. Grumbling soflty, he'd wait for his assistant to come into the office, so that he may speak with her, frankley, abut her future in this businesss.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa smiled poking his cheek "i am in here im on your lap silly"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Arina ignored Alisa."Also here is that report you wanted off the viking vampire brothers."She put a yellow file ontop of the red one." know what? Forget it. I've got better things to do than tell you information about the Day Watch. I'll just take care of all this business myself." She sighed and walked out off the office, taking the red and yellow files with her.

"Yeah?" Galina called as she read an email.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Well RAWR]

He blinked an smirked looking at her. He wanted to make ARina jelaous as helll...and the way he thought to do that make himself totally unavailable. "What do you think about this?" he'd ask, showing her a photo of a beautiful lake.

Ivan stepped inside and leaned against the door. "Galina, long time partner. he'd smile softly, looking her up and down, not in that perverted manner though, just checking her out. "STill looking good as always, how was, Soccland was it?" not to pronounce it properly.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa "its nice but i want her gone" she snipped at him meaning Arina "if you wont do it i will"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Arina sighed as she walked into her office and sat down. She put the files in her bottom draw, she checked her emails and found that there was a rogue witch on the loose."Shit..." She muttered as commented back saying that she would take care of it. Then she ran out of her office and to her car.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Maxim was of course in his office. Sense his divorce, the man hardly went anywhere else. He was looking over some files. He frowned a little.

Zasha opened her eyes and sat up slowly, pulling a needle out from under her skin on her thigh. She hissed a little, sense it hurt like hell.. But it was her only hope of getting out. She started picking at the lock on her wrists, smiling when it came open.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear walked in finally,"Sorry Boss, traffic is a bitch.. As usual." He plopped down,"What do we have tonight?"

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I would dear, but she's far too useful. "he'd smirk. "This is where we're getting married, next month." he'd say placinga hand on her thigh and rubbing it softly.

Ivan waited for her answer.

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